With the cloud hosting package, working a number of websites under the very same cloud hosting account is not difficult. With adequate disk space and traffic as well as a devoted 24/7 technical support service, it is a fantastic choice for almost any site.
Corporate Package
Our Advantages
Genuine Cloud Architecture - ZFS Cloud Storage & Mail
- Fast SSD Drives
Daily Data Backups 24/7 Technical Support Domain Name Backorders WHOIS Privacy
Corporate hosting at
$13.25/mo.Take a look at our web hosting services with a 30 days free trial. No payment necessary.
Web Accelerators
A set of software tools to boost the speed of your websites
Usefully integrated in the Online Control Panel you can find quite a few Website Accelerator Programs aimed at speeding up your dynamic, database–powered sites. By caching data, these tools significantly decrease the number of times a database is referred to and hence reduce the server load. This will help your web sites load faster and will lower the bounce rates. You can select between several website accelerators – Node.js, Memcached and Varnish.
Multiple Data Centers
Website hosting services on 3 continents
Our website hosting network spreads across 3 continents – America (the Steadfast data center in Chicago, IL, US), Europe (the Pulsant datacenter facility in Maidenhead, United Kingdom, the Ficolo underground data center in Pori, Finland and the Telepoint data center in Sofia, Bulgaria) and Australia (the Amaze data center facility in Sydney). Because of this, no matter where you actually live, you’ll be able to select a data center that’s close to your target website visitors. Thus, you will ensure the fastest achievable web site load speeds for all of them. You will be able to pick out your datacenter anytime with one mouse click on the signup page.
Scripting Support
Full scripting support with each of our cloud web hosting plans
All our website hosting packages offer scripting support. You’ll be able to use just about any PHP or Python–driven web application and make use of 3400+ Perl modules supported by our Linux–driven physical machines. In addition, you’ll be able to use MySQL as well as PgSQL databases and utilize the InnoDB database engine offered by every single hosting plan. GD Library, ImageMagick, Zend Optimizer and SSI are all supported as well.
Domain Manager
Multi–domain name management done properly
With the Globohosting Online Control Panel, you’re no longer restricted to work with only 1 domain. You can control one or one hundred domains in the same easy and simple handy manner. We’ve also included some other helpful tools, that will enable you to park, redirect and WHOIS–protect your domain names or to set custom DNS entries. Having these domain administration options in a single location will save you lots of time and effort.
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Service guarantees
- Register now. There are no installation prices and you can take benefit from our 30 day money–back warranty if you are not 100% content with our platform.
Compare our prices
- Find out more about our rates and select the right hosting service for your private or company websites. It’s possible to move up to a more advanced bundle with simply a click of the mouse.
- Compare our hosting plans
Contact Us
- We’re online for you in business hours to respond to all questions about our cloud website hosting platform.